Office building Archiles Architecten – Geel

Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege – Antwerp

Expansion retail shop ‘Balo Living In Style’ – Mol

Office building ‘Square One’ – Geel

Culture centre and library ‘De Factorij’ – Zaventem

Villa W – Beerse

Urban renewal project ‘Ecodroom’ – Geel

Office building IOK – Geel

Office building Swinnen – Balen

Primary school ‘Pierenbos’ – Halle Zoersel

Sporting complex ‘De Hoogt’ – Oud-Turnhout

Office building ‘Willis’ – Geel

Office building Caterpillar – Grimbergen

Thermo Fisher Scientific – Geel

Student housing ‘De Zotte Morgen’ – Geel

Special needs primary school ‘Saigo’ – Mol

Storm flood control services – Nieuwpoort

Social housing Mechelsesteenweg – Heist-Op-Den-Berg

Development of the ‘Peperstraat-Pas’ site – Geel

Boarding school MPI ‘Zonnebos’ – ‘s Gravenwezel

Meeting center with housing for the elderly – Stabroek

Maison Auguste – Geel

Primary school ‘De Stadsmus’ – Oudergem

Gym hall – Dessel

Primary school and boarding school ‘Einstein’ – Evergem

Sporting complex Noorderwijk – Morkhoven

Sports and recreation site ‘Vrijbroekpark’ – Mechelen

Primary school ‘Ten Dorpe’ – Mortsel

Office building Archiles Architecten – Geel

Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege – Antwerp

Expansion retail shop ‘Balo Living In Style’ – Mol

Office building ‘Square One’ – Geel

Culture centre and library ‘De Factorij’ – Zaventem

Villa W – Beerse

Urban renewal project ‘Ecodroom’ – Geel

Office building IOK – Geel

Office building Swinnen – Balen

Primary school ‘Pierenbos’ – Halle Zoersel

Sporting complex ‘De Hoogt’ – Oud-Turnhout

Office building ‘Willis’ – Geel

Office building Caterpillar – Grimbergen

Thermo Fisher Scientific – Geel

Student housing ‘De Zotte Morgen’ – Geel

Special needs primary school ‘Saigo’ – Mol

Storm flood control services – Nieuwpoort

Social housing Mechelsesteenweg – Heist-Op-Den-Berg

Development of the ‘Peperstraat-Pas’ site – Geel

Boarding school MPI ‘Zonnebos’ – ‘s Gravenwezel

Meeting center with housing for the elderly – Stabroek

Maison Auguste – Geel

Primary school ‘De Stadsmus’ – Oudergem

Gym hall – Dessel

Primary school and boarding school ‘Einstein’ – Evergem

Sporting complex Noorderwijk – Morkhoven

Sports and recreation site ‘Vrijbroekpark’ – Mechelen

Primary school ‘Ten Dorpe’ – Mortsel