Expansion retail shop ‘Balo Living In Style’ – Mol

Culture centre and library ‘De Factorij’ – Zaventem

Sporting complex ‘De Hoogt’ – Oud-Turnhout

Storm flood control services – Nieuwpoort

Gym hall – Dessel

Sporting complex Noorderwijk – Morkhoven

Sports and recreation site ‘Vrijbroekpark’ – Mechelen

Expansion retail shop ‘Balo Living In Style’ – Mol

Culture centre and library ‘De Factorij’ – Zaventem

Sporting complex ‘De Hoogt’ – Oud-Turnhout

Storm flood control services – Nieuwpoort

Gym hall – Dessel

Sporting complex Noorderwijk – Morkhoven

Sports and recreation site ‘Vrijbroekpark’ – Mechelen