Sporting complex ‘De Hoogt’ – Oud-Turnhout

Sporting complex ‘De Hoogt’ – Oud-Turnhout
Due to a shortage of sports infrastructure, the municipal council decided to renovate and expand their existing sports hall in the ‘De Hoogt’ sports complex. After a careful study of the existing accommodation and its surroundings, the needs and opportunities were outlined, after which the resulting use scenarios were brought together in a new design for the sports facilities.
The optimal functioning of the sports infrastructure is central to the design. The existing infrastructure will be retained as much as possible so as not to compromise the use of the existing sports facilities during the works. The internal circulation will be reconsidered and improved, and integral access will be provided.
This assignment was won as part of a Design & Build competition.
A new, large sports hall will be built next to the existing hall. The changing rooms and cafeteria are nestled in between, so that short walking distances and clear organisation are created. Together with the multifunctional hall, the new entrance area is the signboard for the renovated sports complex. The rounded shape of the canopy guides the visitors and invites them to enter. The central location of the entrance area interconnects all functions and creates short walking distances. The reception is also strategically located near the entrance, so that with few staff members, sufficient control and overview can be guaranteed. Thanks to the compact design and organisation, future expansion scenarios and outdoor activities remain easily possible. Moreover, this ensures that energy loses are kept to a minimum and that the envelope can be efficiently insulated.
The design also plays a pioneering role in terms of sustainability. This applies to the use of materials, compactness, airtightness, the use of high-tech techniques and renewable energy.
Technical info
Autonoom Gemeentebedrijf (AGB)
Design team
Archiles Architecten
2017 – 2019
2.965,00 m²
© Evenbeeld